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Passionate about children, their education and their wellbeing. Warm, compassionate and determined to reach my goals
It is fulfilling to know you are helping others. If you are passionate about something you will always do it to your best abilities.
• Finishing my Psychology degree through Unisa at the end of this year, 2021. Completed my fashion design studies. I have been an au pair in the past, helping learners with homework.
My Proudest
• Finishing my psychology degree at the end of this year.
• Completing my fashion designing studies in 2014.
• Winning the Business Woman Award during a competition in 2016.
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCAfrikaans is my home language. I achieved a distinction for Afrikaans in Grade 12 and I have also done the subject at university level.
Mathematics Literacy
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI passed Mathematical Literacy with a very high distinction of 90% in Grade 12. I understand this subject extremely well and I am an experienced tutor. My father is also a retired Maths teacher and I have learned so much from him about effective teaching methods.
Arts & Culture
Grade 1 - Grade 9 NSCHad arts and culture up to grade 9. I also studied fashion designing that develops your skills in the arts department
Life Orientation
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCGrade 12 - 89% Currently finishing my psychology degree
Nadia will travel up to 20km from Umhlanga, KwaZulu-Natal to you.
Approximate location and area of coverage.
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