These are the Highest Quality Chemistry Tutors in Eastern Cape. Get Chemistry Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Chemistry tutorTutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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99 Hours Tutored
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Chemistry has always interested me because it feels more practical than other subjects. I know how to use interesting methods to make the theories more understandable and enjoyable.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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205 Hours Tutored
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With 10 years of experience teaching Biochemistry and Microbiology, I focus on improving student performance and achieving academic goals. My tailored approach fosters a supportive environment encouraging curiosity and mastery of complex concepts.
Tutor in Beacon Bay North, East London
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369 Hours Tutored
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I completed a first-year Chemistry course. I am comfortable with all practical and theory aspects of Chemistry.
Tutor in Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth
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881 Hours Tutored
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I find the content of Chemistry not only enjoyable but also interesting. I do believe, however, that Chemistry can be a difficult module, and so, I am willing to use my knowledge to help others. Additionally, I have 4 years of experience in teaching chemistry.
Tutor in Port Elizabeth Central, Gqeberha
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453 Hours Tutored
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I graduated with BSc in Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Microbiology majoring in Chemistry and Microbiology. I am confident in my ability to tutor this subject.
Tutor in Millard Grange, Gqeberha
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255 Hours Tutored
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I hold an M.Sc in Chemistry, and being a recent graduate l still have a good recollection of the content.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
29 Hours Tutored
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I loved Chemistry at school and I am currently doing second year Chemistry in Pharmacy at Rhodes.
Tutor in Port Elizabeth Central, Gqeberha
Tutor in Port Elizabeth Central, Gqeberha
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353 Hours Tutored
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I have also been a teaching assistant for chemistry undergraduate level for 3 years. I have developed a teaching method that the student can relate to, making the learning process interesting and effective.
Tutor in De Mist, Kariega
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42 Hours Tutored
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I have worked in an analytical Chemistry lab for the past 5 years and I also have experience in training university students, especially with practical sessions.
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