Highest Quality Conversational English Tutors in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. Get Conversational English Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Conversational English tutorTutor in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth
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I am 60 years old and have been speaking English at a conversational level for 50 of those 60 years.
Tutors in surrounding areas:
Tutor in North End, Gqeberha
Tutor in North End, Gqeberha
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I have been an online tutor for a year now and I use different teaching methods to help improve your conversational skills. I am currently doing my masters in applied languages and I am very passionate about teaching.
Tutor in Boston, Cape Town
Tutor in Boston, Cape Town
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Living in a country with 11 official languages and me knowing only 6 of those.I can say I have had my fare share when it comes to challenges when learning a new language. Allow me, to walk with you through the journey of overcoming the challenges you may have with the English language.
Tutor in Humewood, Gqeberha
Tutor in Humewood, Gqeberha
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Taught English in China for a year and a half to ages 5- 15.
Tutor in Schoenmakerskop, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Schoenmakerskop, Port Elizabeth
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I am currently a language consultant and teaching asian students English online.
Online tutors
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860 Hours Tutored
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I am able to simplify English and assist learners to enjoy the language in its richness. Once learners can gain a keen interest in the English subject, they will be equipped for effective communication for life! :)
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1083 Hours Tutored
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I believe language is best learnt through conversation. I believe the same applies for English.
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1358 Hours Tutored
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Cambridge, IEB, NSC up to advance level whether student just wants to improve their English abilities or is taking the course to receive a promotion at work I am able to build confidence, improve pronunciation, vocabulary grammar and overall strengthen communication with speaking English.
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601 Hours Tutored
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I obtained a distinction in Matric, and a merit award for the highest percentage in my English class at university. I have experience teaching English to students of all ages worldwide. To excel, or not to excel? That is the question!
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969 Hours Tutored
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Currently Tutor English online for 7 years now. Have a TEFL certification for English teaching online
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