Highest Quality Life Orientation Tutors in Lyttelton Manor, Centurion. Get Life Orientation Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Orientation tutorTutor in Lyttelton Manor, Centurion
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83 Hours Tutored
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I found this subject really interesting during high school, so I managed to maintain a distinction average for it. I would love to help others enjoy this subject.
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Tutor in Erasmia, Centurion
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350 Hours Tutored
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Life orientation was one of the subjects I found easy, relevant and extremely enjoyable. I obtained 98% in Year 12. I love that it relates to a lot of very important but often overlooked elements in our lives and I thoroughly enjoyed it high school.
Tutor in Brooklyn, Pretoria
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1651 Hours Tutored
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Skilled at teaching and training in areas of socio-economic contexts, societal transformation, legislation and support services, career pathing and ongoing professional development. Confidence building and self-awareness of self and others.
Tutor in Highveld, Centurion
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1298 Hours Tutored
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I have always found the subject to be interesting and that is why I did well in it, I would love to assist other students in LO.
Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion
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464 Hours Tutored
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This is a subject that just requires a lot effort and a strong mindset. I can provide guidance on how to do projects. I was the top achiever at high school for this subject for some terms.
Tutor in Pretoria Central, Pretoria
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686 Hours Tutored
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I completed my grade with a distinction in life Orientation and I’m currently teaching life Orientation from Grade 8 to 9 at Acudeo Kirkney College one of the best private schools in Pretoria .
Tutor in Rua Vista, Centurion
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441 Hours Tutored
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The subject of Life Orientation deeply intrigues me, as I am committed to assisting my students in comprehending its significance. I am genuinely enthusiastic about equipping them with valuable life skills.
Tutor in Rua Vista, Centurion
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264 Hours Tutored
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I am a qualified high school teacher, and one of my teaching subjects is Life Orientation. I have experience teaching in schools that follow the IEB and NSC syllabus. I work with various materials to ensure students learn and develop effectively.
Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
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698 Hours Tutored
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I received a distinction for Life Orientation in Grade 12. I know the my textbooks by heart, I have great experience in tutoring my peers. Life orientation has made me a great negotiator, debating machine and perseverant.
Tutor in Madadeni C, Newcastle
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329 Hours Tutored
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With a Grade 12 result of 85% and a dedication to becoming a teacher, I bring professional commitment and firsthand knowledge of the NSC, CAPS syllabus. I offer tailored support, including content clarification, homework assistance, and focused revision sessions.
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