These are the Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in KwaZulu-Natal. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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121 Hours Tutored
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Physics was a huge part of my degree in Biochemistry. I am extremely passionate about the subject and always found it applicable to daily life. Expressing this to students is key so that they find true purpose behindthe constant new concepts and topics involved in the intricate science.
Tutor in Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg
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140 Hours Tutored
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I did Physical Sciences in high school and got a 70 percent in Grade 12. I am currently doing Chemistry and Chemical Technology in UKZN. Tutoring this subject will be possible since I am also doing a degree in this field of Science.
Tutor in Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal
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131 Hours Tutored
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Hi there, My name is Zinhle Dlamini, a 4th year Mechanical Engineering student who is passionate about education. I believe that everyone has the ability to thrive in Physical Science and I would love to show you how.
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
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174 Hours Tutored
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I love physical science a lot because I love challenges and finding solutions to them. I was top physical science learner from grades 10 to 12. I found it easier to understand the concepts of the subject and this helped me assist other learners pass.
Tutor in Carrington Heights, Berea
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72 Hours Tutored
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My love for Physics comes from the Big Bang Theory. I am fascinated by how the universe works and behaves, and physics allowed me to get a glimpse of how much its concept impacts our daily lives and that made it more exciting to learn it and grow my knowledge and understanding of it.
Tutor in Glenwood, Durban
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118 Hours Tutored
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I obtained a final mark of 100% for Physical Sciences in the 2015 NSC final examination and completed Physics within the first year of my studies at university. I am able to explain difficult concepts in a manner that is easy to understand.
Tutor in Cleland, Pietermaritzburg
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174 Hours Tutored
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Throughout my time in college, I worked as a tutor for students in grades 11 and 12, primarily focusing on physics and chemistry. I'm now excited to offer Physical Science tutoring, and I'm eager to show students how enjoyable and rewarding these subjects can be.
Tutor in Waterfall, Waterfall
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162 Hours Tutored
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I have had the grace of completing every year from primary to secondary at the top in my Physical Science class.
Tutor in Mount Edgecombe Country Estate 2, Mount Edgecombe
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118 Hours Tutored
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My PGCE in Physical Science demonstrates my adeptness in teaching physics and chemistry, facilitating the comprehension of intricate scientific principles.
Tutor in Boughton, Pietermaritzburg
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144 Hours Tutored
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My expertise in Physical Sciences fuels my dedication to tutoring. My outstanding performance in Physics and Chemistry at university, coupled with my experience tutoring engineering students, ensures effective guidance. Let's embark on a journey of learning and mastery together.
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