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Tutor in San Mateo, California
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Passionate about helping students grow into independent learners to prepare them for college success and beyond!
Tutor in Los Angeles, California
Tutor in Los Angeles, California
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I'm a college student that aims to become a teacher in STEM for students in socio-economically disadvantaged areas, and I want to build up my skills in teaching through the experiences in tutoring.
Tutor in Concord, California
Tutor in Concord, California
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I consider myself a realist with a dash of optimism in a time of need. Professional responsibility is my utmost priority over anything else; there is nothing I take more seriously than my work.
Tutor in Santa Ana, California
Tutor in Santa Ana, California
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My name is Anthony and including my current job in the Education Department I have over 10 years of experience. I’ve tutored over 700 students and all ranging from pre-k through undergrad. Thank you!
Tutor in Redwood City, California
Tutor in Redwood City, California
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I am a hardworking second year student at the University of California, Santa Barbara majoring in mathematics. I am looking to help others using my math skillset.
Tutor in San Diego, California
Tutor in San Diego, California
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I am a heritage speaker in Russian. I have my bachelors and masters in Russian. I am able to teach students from beginner to intermediate level and help them achieve their goals.
Tutor in Corona, California
Tutor in Corona, California
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I'm a graduate student in economics at CSUF. I have over 5 years of experience tutoring high school and college students in Mathematics and Statistics.
Tutor in Monterey Park, California
Tutor in Monterey Park, California
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I am a recent (2021) UCLA graduate currently in a gap year before attending medical school. My tutoring experiences include Biology, Physics, Chemistry, SAT and MCAT. Fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
Tutor in Emeryville, California
Tutor in Emeryville, California
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I graduated from UC Berkeley in 2018 and work as a Middle School Film Teacher. I am working on my masters degree to complete a Math Credential. I am passionate about helping students gain confidence!
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