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Get a tutorTutor in Weltevreden Valley North, Cape Town
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693 Hours Tutored
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I am adventurous and love being challenged. I am also a bookworm and I love outdoor sports. The most important people in my life are my family, friends and beautiful daughter.
Tutor in Bothasig, Cape Town
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702 Hours Tutored
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I am a committed and passionate educator with over 10 years’ experience working with high school and tertiary education students. I am dedicated and motivated to help you achieve the best results.
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
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766 Hours Tutored
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I am currently a masters student at university. I have extensive experience in tutoring both high school and university subjects and am extremely hardworking and efficient.
Tutor in Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town
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677 Hours Tutored
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I commit to tasks that I participate in, take full responsibilities and aim for progress. I possess the great trait of motivating myself and others to excel and reach their full potential.
Tutor in Fairfield Estate, Cape Town
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1006 Hours Tutored
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I am Nickson Kasongo, holding a 2017 mechanical engineering qualification from CPUT with amazing academic results in mathematics 1, 2 and 3; Strength of material, Thermodynamics and Electrotechnology.
Tutor in Summer Greens, Cape Town
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726 Hours Tutored
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I am a passionate, dedicated and patient individual. I consider myself to be understanding and very approachable.
Tutor in Kenilworth, Cape Town
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698 Hours Tutored
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I am a teacher at heart, having spent 25 years in classrooms in both South Africa and the United States. More recently I have been tutoring young people on an individual basis and loving it.
Tutor in Southfield, Cape Town
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709 Hours Tutored
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I am an experienced educator who has a passion for her job. I enjoy working with struggling learners on a 1-1 basis.
Tutor in Big Bay, Cape Town
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712 Hours Tutored
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I am a very caring and patient person with a love and will to help learners tackle difficult subjects, and sometimes in out of the box manners.
Tutor in Sunridge, Cape Town
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832 Hours Tutored
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I am an experienced tutor, passionate about teaching, and always looking for new ways to engage my students and make the learning process more enjoyable and meaningful.
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