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I am a student of life. I am a lover of the arts and all things concerning human-based design and I am always up for a road trip to anywhere and everywhere.
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
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334 Hours Tutored
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Passionate to equip young students to be able to serve their community. Really enjoy listening and explaining concepts in simple ways.
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
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I am a Mechanical Engineering student who is passionate about building and fixing things. I love to learn and share knowledge with others.
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
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122 Hours Tutored
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I am an Environmental Engineering (Branch of Civil Engineering) . I have a passion for knowledge, nature, exercise and music.
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
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48 Hours Tutored
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As a qualified Teacher and Biokineticist, I have a natural skill for simplifying complex concepts.
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
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23 Hours Tutored
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I am a young working adult with a science background. I am passionate about teaching others to empower themselves.
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
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Dedicated and passionate about work regarding Music and Biology. Detail oriented with a love for sharing knowledge.
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Tutor in Fourways, Sandton
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2336 Hours Tutored
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I believe that intelligence is my middle name. I spend most of my time working and studying. I usually spend my spare time reading self-help books or hiking with family/friends.
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
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2745 Hours Tutored
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I am approachable, friendly, reliable, dedicated, passionate and patient. I have more than 10 years of tutoring experience (CAPS, NSC, IEB, Cambridge foundation 2 syllabus).
Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion
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4388 Hours Tutored
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I hold a Chemical Engineering qualification with Unisa. Academically orientated, I acquired five distinctions in my Matric year. I am passionate about imparting knowledge & learning!
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