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Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I am a focused, dedicated and self-motivated individual with a strong love for Maths and Science. I am currently completing my second degree (an Honours in Chemical Engineering) at Wits University.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I'm a Physics and Maths student at Wits with a love and passion for striving and learning.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I am a person who is very passionate about mentoring and tutoring students. I am very disciplined and honest to everyone.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I am able to create sustainable relationships wherever I go and my passion lies in helping others hence I chose social work as a profession.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I am a self-driven and motivated hard worker whose aim is to get the best grades possible. I communicate well with people and I am always eager to try something new.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I'm enthusiastic, outgoing, free spirited, and I always have a strong motive of learning something new everyday. I'm in love with beautiful things, be it music, cars and art.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I am a PhD student (Chemical Engineering) who is passionate about teaching and learning. Excellence is my watchword.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I am a young lady who esteems education and sees it as a beautiful gift that should be treasured. I love learning and helping others reach their academic goals.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I love helping other people.I am a hard working individual who never gives up no matter what.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I am very humble and I love exploring new things, meeting new people and I find new experiences exciting.
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