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Get a tutorTutor in Birchleigh, Kempton Park
Tutor in Birchleigh, Kempton Park
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I am a high-achieving person who loves helping others through tutoring. I spend my free time volunteering. I am a qualified educator. I deliver as per expectations from learners and parents.
Tutor in Kempton Park Cbd, Kempton Park
Tutor in Kempton Park Cbd, Kempton Park
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I am a jack of all trades who likes new challenges, a bit if a geek when it comes to technical things. I also like engaging people in abstract and practical discussions.
Tutor in Birch Acres, Kempton Park
Tutor in Birch Acres, Kempton Park
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I have experience as a mathematics tutor and I have a passion to see others succeed.
Tutor in Birchleigh, Kempton Park
Tutor in Birchleigh, Kempton Park
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I am a very hard working type of a person who can be trusted with responsibilities. I am an innovative person, passionate about what I do and what I believe in.
Tutor in Norkem Park, Kempton Park
Tutor in Norkem Park, Kempton Park
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I am very motivated and driven. I ensure that my students excel in the subjects that I tutor.
Tutor in Glenmarais, Kempton Park
Tutor in Glenmarais, Kempton Park
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I am my name - Nthati, meaning the loved one. My energy is infectious and I am also quite a spirit to be around. I live on a simple principle: PRAY, PLAN and PROGRESS.
Tutor in Terenure, Kempton Park
Tutor in Terenure, Kempton Park
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I am a Candidate Electrical Engineer Currently working within the Railway Industry, I Hold a BSc Eng (Electrical) with the University of the Witwatersrand with a particular interest in Power Systems.
Tutor in Kempton Park, Kempton Park
Tutor in Kempton Park, Kempton Park
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I am an amiable person and very professional with my work. I pursue success with a passion.
Tutor in Pomona AH, Kempton Park
Tutor in Pomona AH, Kempton Park
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I am a kind, humble, hard working and patient person who enjoys teaching, motivating and sharing knowledge. I dislike disrespectful people and I value time.
Tutor in Esther Park, Kempton Park
Tutor in Esther Park, Kempton Park
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I am Unathi Magodla, a IIE Rosebank College graduate. I studied a bachelor's degree in IT in business systems and I am the top achiever
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Subjects offered in Kempton Park
Areas in Kempton Park