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Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
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I am a very ambitious, intelligent and exceptional young lady. I am passionate to help young students like me with the skills I have developed in order for them to achieve the best possible results.
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
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I am an agent of change, who helps other people to become the best version of themselves. I believe that anything can be understood easily if it's explained in simple enough terms.
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
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I am a very sociable, reliable person. I believe in continual learning.
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
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64 Hours Tutored
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I am a Linux Cloud Support Engineer who recently graduated from UCT with a BSc.Eng (Hons) Electrical & Computer Engineering (First Class) degree.
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
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I am an analytical person with an eye for detail and a passion for both educating and learning.
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
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103 Hours Tutored
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I am a hardworking and creative individual who is passionate about educating the youth in a manner which transcends the borders of the school syllabus. I believe in creating positive environments.
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
24 Hours Tutored
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I am a patient and hard-working individual with a friendly disposition. I believe the combination of my creativity and logical thinking sets me apart from other candidates.
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
11 Hours Tutored
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I am a specialist in the field of Marketing, Research and Retail Management, currently working as a Lecturer at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
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398 Hours Tutored
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I consider myself caring, creative, ambitious and extremely attentive to detail. I have a deep love for people and anything expressive, whether it be literature, films, cooking, art or conversation.
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
60 Hours Tutored
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I am a confident, hardworking person. I have interests in film, art, literature, music, technology and fashion. I write a personal blog following these topics. I enjoy a variety of creative hobbies.
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