Tutor Reviews

“She’s very patient and informative. ”
- Simone
“Her passion and enthusiasm is outstanding. Thank you ”
- Lungi
“Consistancy and dedication. A genuine love for her students.”
- Kamini
“The Course is really starting to fall into place. Ely pushes her students to do better. She gives homework and checks that you do it. This helps to keep you on track.”
- Linda
“Ely Know the technic of teaching adult, also she know how to link the subject and making my jornay with smooth transitions, she is very motivated and make me motivated even in my worst days mode due to my work or live as a father or employee.... Yes I believe on her and how she let me belive on my cababilty to learn new language ”
- Bader
Millennial woman with curly black hair tutoring brunette teenage girl

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