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Kelsey M

Tutor in Sundowner, Randburg • 24 years old

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I am a friendly, outgoing person who deeply values education. I believe that anyone can achieve academic success with the right assistance. I aim to provide that assistance, as best I can, to others.

I am a very patient person. I strongly believe in helping learners realise their potential, achieve their goals and overcome obstacles. I am hardworking, dedicated, and at every possible step, aim to ensure that the learner succeeds. I ensure that I understand things from the learner's perspective so I can best explain concepts in ways they will understand.


• 2014-2018: attended Rand Park High School.
• 2019-present: student at the University of the Witwatersrand.
• I am currently in the final year of my BaLaw undergraduate degree.

My Proudest

• I am a member of the Golden Key International Academic Honors Society.
• I was the Top AP English student in matric and matriculated with 3 distinctions.
• I achieved academic colours in both grade 11 and 12.


  • School Tutoring

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

In biology, concepts act as building blocks to more difficult concepts. As a tutor, I utilise this to build on a learner’s existing knowledge and link that level of understanding to more difficult concepts. This creates a wholistic understanding for learners, ensuring their academic success.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

This subject was offered at my school as AP English. English focuses heavily on critical thinking, writing techniques and language- all of which are apart of my skillset. This makes me an effective tutor as I am able to assist learners in any potential weak areas, to achieve their academic goals.

Life Orientation

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

LO can become tricky through the research, writing and study requirements, which can detract from learners achieving their desired mark. These are skills I have and this makes me an effective tutor as I am able to assist learners in any potential weak areas, to achieve their academic goals.


Grade 1 - Grade 10 NSC

History requires various skills including essay writing, critical thinking and understanding historical concepts and events. These are all skills I developed. This makes me an effective tutor as I am able to assist learners in any potential weak areas, to achieve their academic goals.


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I matriculated with a near distinction for Afrikaans. I have also tutored younger students in the subject and am confident in my ability to transfer knowledge and facilitate learning.

Foundation Phase- Literacy

Grade 1 - Grade 3 NSC

Reading, writing and spelling are the core concepts of grasping language and building blocks to learning. These foundations are essential for all learners to grasp, and as I am a very patient and dedicated person, I am a qualified and effective tutor to assist learners grasp these foundations.

Study skills

Grade 1 - Grade 10 NSC

Study skills are crucial to academic success and understanding how a child learns best is vital to achieving this academic success. This makes me an ideal choice as I am patient, dedicated and excited to assist learners in developing good study skills and study habits to achieve their academic goals


Grade 1 - Grade 10 NSC

Completing homework tasks is crucial to academic success and creating effective habits is key in achieving this academic success. This makes me an ideal choice as I am patient, dedicated and excited to assist learners in developing strong and effective homework habits to achieve their academic goals


Grade 1 - Grade 6 NSC

I am hardworking, calm and patient. I work well under pressure. I have sound teaching skills and would love to assist other learners in approaching Mathematics with the same mindset and improving their results

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Second Year

Understanding psychology- foundational principles and the interrelationships between concepts, is vital to achieving academic success. This makes me an ideal choice as I am patient, dedicated and excited to assist students in developing these understandings to achieve their desired academic goals.


First Year - Second Year

Understanding sociology- foundational principles and the interrelationships between concepts, is vital to achieving academic success. This makes me an ideal choice as I am patient, dedicated and excited to assist students in developing these understandings to achieve their desired academic goals.


Kelsey will travel up to 10km from Sundowner, Randburg, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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Reviews from others

“Kelsey is very professional regarding letting us know if she’s early or late, spends extra time to complete a task, Kitrina is very fond of her, had scored 100% in Afrikaans test although it was her first time taking the subject, hoping Kelsey is able to assist in other subjects to accomplish the same results, ”
- Krishni
“Very committed and attentive to my sons needs. I would not hesitate to use Kelsey again.”
- Dave
“Very easy going and very engaging. Fun tutor and my son looked forward to his Afrikaans lessons which is UNHEARD OF!!! ”
- Noni
“She has helped dana tremendously dana feels she has learnt alot and feels confident to do her exams thankyou Kelsey for all you have done for dana dobson”
- Sandra
“She is a dedicated tutor who is responsible if she is not available she let you know on time”
- Ndivhuwo
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