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Liani C

Tutor in Fichardt Park, Bloemfontein • 27 years old

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Cannot tutor online

Can tutor in person


I am an ambitious and a hard working person. I am academically driven with patience to achieve great things.

I study psychology and believe that by understanding how people think will help you as a tutor to understand that each individual is different and so are their way of studying. I enjoy helping people achieve their true potential.


• B Soc Sc at The University of The Free State
• Worked at exclusive books in Loch Logan
• Helped at school with the selling of food at sport events
• Helped at the school yearly functions as a waiter

My Proudest

• Free state gymnastics
• Grade 1 violin exam
• Matriculate at Fichardtpark High School
• Received Golden Key certificate


  • University Tutoring


First Year PSDE 1624 , PSIN 1514

I am passionate about helping others and am pursuing a degree in Psychology.


First Year Soci 1514 , Soci 1624

Sociology is one of the 4 modules that I pursue at the University of the Free State.


First Year Crim 1514 , Crim 1624

Criminology is one of the 4 modules that I pursue at the University of the Free State.


Liani will travel up to 15km from Fichardt Park, Bloemfontein, Free State to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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