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Can tutor in person
I am a BSc Physical Science graduate who majored in Geology and Mathematics. I love watching football and Rugby. I am passionate about teaching and helping others succeed.
I am patient and understand the pain and frustration of struggling to do well academically. I have a strong ability to identity problems and assist learners come up with working solutions. I help others from a place of empathy.
• BSc Physical Science (Geology and Mathematics) Graduate.
My Proudest
• Being able to help a student improve Matric Maths from about 50% to 79% in a space of a month
• Making the National Finals in the Eskom Science Expo
Grade 1 - Grade 12Someone helped me to grasp Maths at school and I was then able to help others pass their Matric. I got a distinction for 1st year Calculus.
Murendeni will travel up to 40km from Wierdapark, Centurion, Gauteng to you.
Approximate location and area of coverage.
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