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Neliswa M

Tutor in Nyanga, Cape Town • 39 years old

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Cannot tutor online

Can tutor in person


I am a very enthusiastic person who always goes the extra mile to reach out to others. I love to be in the learning environment and interacting with children encourages me to be a lifelong learner.

I am open to learning new things, and I believe that every child's opinion & ideas are as important as mine. My people skills and passion to help children learn encourages me to create a positive learning environment to meet all learner's needs, taking into consideration that children have different learning styles. I use a variety of teaching and learning aids to demonstrate the concepts.


• 2018-2019 ECD Level 4 at College of Cape Town
• 2020 Higher Certificate in Education: Intermediate phase at Unisa
• 2014 Basics of the computer at Beautiful Gate

My Proudest

• Basic of the computer
• Early Childhood Development cert: NQF4
• Higher Certificate in Education: Intermediate Phase (NQF5


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 4 NSC

I started working as a volunteer at Masincedane educare. In 2021 I enroled at UNISA as Bed:intermediate phase(grade 4-6) student, majoring in maths and nst and I was placed at Sikelela imizamo primary school for 25 weeks teaching parctice that I have to do each year for the duration of my studies.


Grade 1 - Grade 6 CAPS

I am a great maths tutor because I am able to employ multiple strategies to teach one concept. I am able to look for better and easier ways in order reach each student. I always put the learning needs of each learner first.

Natural Science

Grade 1 - Grade 6 CAPS

I consider myself to be a great natural science tutor because, during the teaching and learning process, I can integrate the concept through real-life scenarios to improve the student's understanding, linking their prior knowledge to the new information.


Grade 1 - Grade 6 CAPS

I consider myself to be a great technology tutor because I am able to help a student grasp in-depth concept understanding and support the student throughout the learning process.


Neliswa will travel up to 20km from Nyanga, Cape Town, Western Cape to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

Tutor Map

Reviews from others

“Neliswa has been perfect with Chadley. She is very patient and hard working. Always going the extra mile. Thank you so much we appreciate you.”
- Chantel
“I was impressed with Neliswa, her patience is just amazing and making sure that my child fully understands each and every concept they worked on before moving to the next one. Looking foward to working with her again next year, I hope she will be available ”
- Sindi
“She is really good with interacting with my daughter and really explains everything to her in fine detail. ”
- Rhonwen
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