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Siphesihle C

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town • 23 years old

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I am a people person. I love interacting with different people as I believe that not all life lessons are learned at school. I am goal driven and I always push myself until I have achieved my goals.

Helping people makes me feel content. I try to help people by all means. If it happens that I do not have the means to help a person I look for someone who might help because I know what it is like to feel helpless. That is the reason why I chose to study medicine. I want to bring change to people's lives and also interact with people on daily basis.


• 2022: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (University of Cape Town)

My Proudest

• Being the highest achiever in my school district with an aggregate of 85% in Grade 12.
• Being accepted to do Medicine at the University of Cape Town, and being the first person in my family to go to university.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I matriculated with 83% in Maths and have a strong ability to break down content and explain it in a clear and understandable manner. I learned this skill whilst tutoring learners in my previous school.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I am a very patient person and I have good communication skills which are important when tutoring students. I tutor learners back at home during school holidays and I used to conduct afterschool classes for other learners in my former school. I also achieved 92% for Physical Science in Matric.

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I can deliver content clearly and I can accommodate students with different learning styles. For different curricula, I use different teaching methods for students to better understand the content. I matriculated with 87% in Life Sciences.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC (Home Language)

I am a great Zulu tutor because it is my home language and not only do I know the content, but I can also break it down into more understandable pieces. I matriculated with 83% in the language.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB (First Additional Language)

I am a great English tutor because I explain the curriculum easily. I speak the language fluently and I have good vocabulary and grammar skills. I also matriculated with 83% for the subject.

Life Orientation

Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I am a great Life Orientation tutor because I have good communication skills and I use different study methods for different topics or chapters. I matriculated with 83% in the subject.

Natural Science

Grade 1 - Grade 9 IEB

I am a great Natural Science tutor because I have obtained extensive knowledge on the subject from taking Physical Science and Life Science to Matric. For that reason, I will explain concepts clearly because I have a good understanding of the subject.

  • Language Tutoring


Beginner NSC (Home Language)

I can explain things clearly as Zulu is my home language. I have knowledge of how words are pronounced and how to break a word down for someone to better understand it. I am also aware of how a word can have different meanings and am extremely patient when assisting others with this language.


Siphesihle will travel up to 15km from Observatory, Cape Town, Western Cape to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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