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Can tutor in person
I am a dedicated and driven individual who puts forth my best effort in everything I undertake. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, always seeking new challenges and opportunities to broaden my horizons
My altruistic nature inspires me to approach every task with unwavering dedication, ensuring that those in need of assistance not only receive support but also find genuine satisfaction in the outcome.
• 2022 - Current BSc in Actuarial Science (University of Cape Town)
My Proudest
• I was honored to be recognized as the Dux Scholar of my school, a testament to my dedication to academic excellence and my commitment to continuous personal and intellectual growth.
First Year ECO1010FWith experience in tutoring, I excel in breaking down complex concepts into clear, understandable sections. My deep understanding of the subject has helped students comprehension of the content. I am very adaptable as a person and prioritize meeting the needs of my students
Financial Accounting
First Year ACC1006FWith experience in tutoring, I excel in breaking down complex concepts into clear, understandable sections. My deep understanding of the subject has helped students comprehension of the content. I am very adaptable as a person and prioritize meeting the needs of my students.
Tusani will travel up to 15km from Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape to you.
Approximate location and area of coverage.
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