These are the Highest Quality English Tutors in Berea. Get English Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an English tutorTutor in Glenwood, Berea
Tutor in Glenwood, Berea
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I have informal teaching experience tutoring English. I have great enthusiasm a great desire to help others improve. I matriculated with 84% for English.
Tutor in Bulwer, Berea
Tutor in Bulwer, Berea
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I find the English language very intriguing and I would love to get the opportunity to help others with seeing the beauty of the language and even further increase my knowledge in it.
Tutor in Glenmore, Berea
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15 Hours Tutored
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I am very well spoken and fluent in the language. I completed two English modules namely; Academic Learning In English and English Studies, in my first year of university.
Tutor in University, Berea
Tutor in University, Berea
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Teaching English will not only help the people I teach but also myself included.
Tutor in Umbilo, Berea
Tutor in Umbilo, Berea
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24 Hours Tutored
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I have majored in languages - IsiZulu and English in my B.Ed undergraduate degree. I have also taught English (HL) at a High School in Amanzimtoti. Overall, I am a fluent English speaker and I have passion in teaching the language.
Tutor in Westridge, Berea
Tutor in Westridge, Berea
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I was trained on how to assist and advance students’ reading, writing, literary analysis and communication skills. The students will read literature, poetry and non-fiction texts and react to the readings using a variety of written and spoken responses.
Tutor in Umbilo, Berea
Tutor in Umbilo, Berea
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30 Hours Tutored
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I love read and writing, in addition, I edit academic papers. In 2017, i worked as a writing tutor at UKZN, helping undergraduate students to improve their academic writing skills, through teaching them about grammar and writing structure.
Tutor in Glenmore, Berea
Tutor in Glenmore, Berea
12 Hours Tutored
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I have a passion for languages, specifically literature and grammar. It truly opens up a new world when you are able to understand a writer, so let me help you achieve that.
Tutor in Glenwood, Berea
Tutor in Glenwood, Berea
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26 Hours Tutored
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I am a fluent English speaker and writer and I strongly believe that I could teach this subject to the best of my ability.
Tutor in Bulwer, Berea
Tutor in Bulwer, Berea
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22 Hours Tutored
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I have good writing and Literature skills as well as critical and analytical skills required in the subject. I have a degree in Linguistics which is an added advantage.
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Subjects offered in Berea