These are the Highest Quality English Tutors in kwaMakhutha Township, Malagazi. Get English Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an English tutorTutor in kwaMakhutha Township, Malagazi
Tutor in kwaMakhutha Township, Malagazi
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I have been an English tutor for some time now to my nephews an nieces. I passed English with distinction in Grade 12 and did Academic Learning in English while I was in University.
Tutors in surrounding areas:
Tutor in Montford, Chatsworth
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38 Hours Tutored
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My motivation is to help students see the beauty of reading and writing. Reading and writing skills are essential not only in English but throughout all subjects for better understanding to take place.
Tutor in Umlazi C, Umlazi
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20 Hours Tutored
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The English Language, while complex, is beautiful. I enjoy various aspects of it and would love the opportunity to help students navigate it. My aim is to assist each student with the specific difficulties they may be experiencing.
Tutor in Lamontville, Chatsworth
Tutor in Lamontville, Chatsworth
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I have a teaching degree with an English major. In my teaching practice I found that conversations bare better results in the development of one's ability to communicate in the language. I'm willing to adjust to the student's desired teaching style.
Tutor in Silverglen, Chatsworth
Tutor in Silverglen, Chatsworth
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I have tutored English at both intermediate and advanced levels. I have also taught English to foreign students and am certified to do so.
Tutor in Isipingo Beach, Isipingo Beach
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24 Hours Tutored
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I faired well in English in high school. I have much to offer regarding Literature (set books) as well as rules of the language itself.
Tutor in Belhar 8, Cape Town
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28 Hours Tutored
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I got a distinction in Matric and although I'm not training to become an English teacher, I have this love and passion for it! If I was not so invested in Science, I'd be a prospective English teacher.
Tutor in Illovo North, Illovo North
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28 Hours Tutored
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Hello There! My name Bavumile Shangase. I'm a law student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. I'm passionate about the English language esp. literature. I was part of the English Academy at my previous high school and Chief literature editor of our literary magazine. I look forward to teaching you!
Tutor in Umbilo, Berea
Tutor in Umbilo, Berea
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24 Hours Tutored
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I have majored in languages - IsiZulu and English in my B.Ed undergraduate degree. I have also taught English (HL) at a High School in Amanzimtoti. Overall, I am a fluent English speaker and I have passion in teaching the language.
Tutor in Doon Heights, Kingsburgh
Tutor in Doon Heights, Kingsburgh
11 Hours Tutored
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I have outstanding command of the language, both spoken and written.
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