These are the Highest Quality English Tutors in Randburg. Get English Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an English tutorTutor in Victory Park, Randburg
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51 Hours Tutored
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I did English Home Language in high school and I obtained 78%. Since then I have used those skills at University to study Politics, Philosophy and Economics. I am a reader of poetry particularly Elliot and Yeats.
Tutor in Craighall Park, Randburg
Tutor in Craighall Park, Randburg
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59 Hours Tutored
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I enjoy the mechanics of language as it comes very easily to me as a first language speaker.
Tutor in Parkview, Randburg
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76 Hours Tutored
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I am an english speaker and achieved a Distinction in Matric.
Tutor in Ferndale, Randburg
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50 Hours Tutored
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I passed English well at my university level and I have successfully assisted students to improve their grades in this subject.
Tutor in Randpark Ridge, Randburg
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79 Hours Tutored
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I've always had a passion for reading and learning the English language. I also did Advanced Program English.
Tutor in Olivedale, Randburg
66 Hours Tutored
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I am imaginative and innovative. I believe that these are two important qualities all English tutors should have - as it helps them teach the language interestingly and effectively.
Tutor in Ferndale, Randburg
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77 Hours Tutored
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I am an experienced tutor, throughout my years of high school I tutored several pupils, helping them achieve results that they thought were unattainable, I have various tutoring methods which are selected according to each individual to ensure maximum learning results.
Tutor in Linden, Randburg
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84 Hours Tutored
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English is my home language and I excelled in Literature at school. I have tutored English for many years and it is my favourite subject to teach.
Tutor in Risidale, Randburg
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55 Hours Tutored
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A secondary school teacher and master's graduate, I worked for 20+ years as a writer, copy editor and tutor. Passionate about English, I have studied creative and writing and literature, and enjoy working with children and young adults.
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Subjects offered in Randburg