Highest Quality Foundation Phase- Literacy Tutors in Western Cape. Get Foundation Phase- Literacy Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Foundation Phase- Literacy tutorTutor in Shelley Point, Saint Helena Bay
Tutor in Shelley Point, Saint Helena Bay
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I am a passionate teacher and I have my Bachelors Degree in Education, specialising in the Foundation Phase. I have taught reading, writing, listening and speaking to Grade R - 2 learners during my studies. I aim to facilitate a learning environment that promotes literacy comprehension & confidence.
Tutor in Oranjezicht, Cape Town
Tutor in Oranjezicht, Cape Town
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I am currently studying a BEd in Early Childhood Development and work part-time at a pre-school. I also work as a writer and am proficient in English and knowledgeable in language and grammar.
Tutor in Diep River, Cape Town
Tutor in Diep River, Cape Town
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I spent two years working with SHINE doing their Literacy program with underprivileged schools in Cape Town.
Tutor in Athlone, Cape Town
Tutor in Athlone, Cape Town
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I have designed Individual Learning Plans to focus on the individual needs of the learners and create strategies and goals to meet these needs. I have collaborated with learning support staff such as speech and language specialists, occupational therapists as well as medical practitioners.
Tutor in Newlands, Cape Town
Tutor in Newlands, Cape Town
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I have five years of online English teaching experience. I worked as a teacher at Gostudent, helping children with autism and dyslexia with reading, spelling, and comprehension skills. I've had experience in a special needs school. I am observant, creative, empathetic, patient, and uplifting.
Tutor in Croydon Vineyard Estate, Cape Town
Tutor in Croydon Vineyard Estate, Cape Town
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Literacy is critical for successful learning at school. It is what motivated me to become an Educator.
Tutor in Protea Valley, Cape Town
Tutor in Protea Valley, Cape Town
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I am passionate about teaching young minds and achieved 74% for English, 87% for Afrikaans as well as the award for bilingualism in Matric.
Tutor in Simonswyk, Stellenbosch
Tutor in Simonswyk, Stellenbosch
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I am dedicated to helping each child reach their full potential and look forward to the opportunity to do so with your child.
Tutor in Capri, Cape Town
Tutor in Capri, Cape Town
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I studied foundation phase education at Stellenbosch University. I have taught and helped many learners who have reading difficulties or struggles with English overall. I was a full time teacher for 4 years but decided to tutor privately.
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
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I decided to study Foundation Phase Teaching in 2013 as I wanted to help develop children to become independent and capable individuals. I have taught Grade 2 children through a contract post at Good Hope Seminary Junior School.
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