“Harim is an exceptional tutor. She explains points thoroughly and is more than willing to go back and cover areas that I may have forgotten. She is prompt and extremely patient when it comes to slow learners such as myself. ”- Manana
“Yolandie was very clear in her explanation of what I was required to do and broke down each section in manageable chunks, with examples of what I should be doing. She worked at a pace that I found easy to understand and covered a lot of material despite our initial hiccups of the technology. I like Yolandie and look forward to working with her again. Thank you so very much for pairing me with her. She’s fantastic! ☺️”- Celine
“My daughter is loving the lessons with her - she is always kind and willing to move lessons when we have something on at the time - extremely reliable. Overall a wonderful tutor - the best. ”- Carina
“Daniel always have exciting and new things planned for every lesson. He challenges me to do better and show me where and how to improve. I always feel that I got so much out after every lesson. Daniel is really helping me improving my french on every level and especially speaking. He also is always giving me advice on what the best resources are to study effectively and productively. I would not have been able to improve so much if it wasn’t for his help during the lessons this past 6 months! Thank you Daniel! ”- Yda
“Michael was always well prepared and highly competent. He mastered the subject matter and was always able to answer questions and correct the students mistakes. A absolutely wonderful tutor”- Johan
“Clarice is a wonderful tutor, that takes her time in explaining every concept. She is so kind and does not mind if I interrupt her to ask a question. I am very satisfied with her teaching! ”- Elvira
“Clarice has really helped me understand difficult concepts by explaining them in simplified ways. She was really supportive in my learning and always made sure I understood everything fully before moving on. I am definitely in a much better position than I was before Clarice’s help. She was very committed to making sure I received as much help as I needed. Thank you so much for your amazing help! ”- Santhuri
“Merlvine was very knowledgeable and explained all the concepts I struggled with. He was always well pre-pared for every lesson and went above and beyond to help me.”- Colleen
“She is amazing, patient, understanding, and she actually taught me and helped me work through everything and didn't just give me the answers. She's a perfect example of what a tutor should be. ”- Belinda
“He made it an effort to ensure that I understand concepts in the simplest way possible, and doing examples which aim to test my understanding. He went above and beyond, and for that I'm grateful.”- Tumi
“Her ability to connect with my daughter and explain different concepts and helping navigate language structure and relationship between different elements. My daughter finds it easy to learn from her and she shows willing to adapt pace to my daughter's level of understanding. The tutoring is a two way engagement so she flexes her style to ensure she truly understands concepts. ”- Masingita
“Harim continues to encourage and reassure me . This has been so helpful in me gaining confidence and courage to do my best . I look forward to every lesson with excitement . No shame or self doubt . I’m so privileged to have Harim as my tutor. ”- Candace
“Jessica was an exceptional tutor !! I'am always impressed about her extended knowledge in everything! She is patient, understanding and very kind ! Jessica is always willing to go extra miles to help me !! I couldn't ask for a better tutor !! I was so happy to have met her. I learned so much with Jessica!! I highly recommend her you will never be disappointed and she will never let you down! Her work ethic is also exceptional !! Thanks for everything ”- Ophelie
“Johann has been super patient, gentle and kind with Josh in explaining things again when he doesn't get things at first. Josh has enjoyed all his sessions and usually seems very upbeat after his session and feeling proud that he understands the work better. His marks have also improved very nicely. Josh got 81% for his last exam on his report and we are super proud of him.”- Melanie-ann
“Sarah is brilliant and will go above and beyond to help develop her students understanding, I dont know how I would've got through this without her.”- Natasha
“I've never met a teacher who cares about my needs more. She goes above and beyond to make sure I have a firm grasp of new concepts that I find tricky. She is just excellent.”- Alice
“Thulani is very professional, friendly and patient. He has excellent tutoring skills and is knowledgable in qualitative research, statistics and academic writing. ”- Samantha
“Daniel always do a lot of preparation for each lesson to ensure that I get the maximum benefit and learning out of each lesson. He is very patient with me when I make mistakes or don't understand anything and he doesn't mind repeating rules or meanings. I am excited for each lesson because I know I will learn new things and improve my understanding of French. After each lesson, I know that I am yet another step closer to being ready to write my exams. Thank you Daniel for being an awesome tutor! ”- Yda
“Extremely helpful tutor. Very good teacher, that knows his subject to perfection. ”- Mimi
“Daniela is exceptional. She adjusts lessons to meet her students where they are, optimizing every minute. She is extremely responsive and personalizes lessons based on your goals. Best of the best!”- Storm
“Simion was incredibly knowledgeable, he contacted me prior to my first lesson to prep for what he would need to know in our session and was able to answer all questions and some that I had that were not in the scope. He was quick and excellent with the online classroom, honestly better in nearly every way than my lecturer at University !”- Kurt
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