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Get a tutorTutor in South Beach, Durban
Tutor in South Beach, Durban
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I am a Bcom student in Economics and business management at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. I also run a registered NPO that deals with some of the challenges faced by our young people.
Tutor in Glenwood, Durban
Tutor in Glenwood, Durban
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I am a hardworking, enthusiastic and dedicated person. I can work under pressure in order to achieve certain goals.
Tutor in Point, Durban
Tutor in Point, Durban
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I am a dedicated and hardworking young man from Nkandla. I completed high school in 2016 at Ngono High school and am currently studying BSc Applied Chemistry at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
Tutor in Stamford Hill, Durban
Tutor in Stamford Hill, Durban
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I am a fun loving, vibrant woman who is passionate about teaching and I enjoy interacting with children and adults from all walks of life.
Tutor in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Tutor in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
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I am a Scientist who enjoys teaching. I enjoy writing essays and I have a way with words.
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
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I am a golden key member , I achieved the certificate in 2016 at the University of KwaZulu Natal Westville campus.
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
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I am a self-determinant person, who is always striving for success. I am passionate about helping others.
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
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A patient and intelligent professional with a profound background in Accounting, possessing strong teaching abilities.
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
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I am a Certified Financial Planner who has a passion for people. I am a loving person and believe that everyone has potential to offer something unique to the world.
Tutor in Reservoir Hills, Durban
Tutor in Reservoir Hills, Durban
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I am a well mannered and goal driven young lady who takes pride in her work. Time management is one of my strengths and I have taught myself to be patient and calm in the face of difficult situations.
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Subjects offered in Durban