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Tutor in Polokwane, Limpopo
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17 Hours Tutored
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I am a competent worker, who always puts my heart and soul into everything I do. I am very friendly, patient and understanding of people's differences.
Tutor in Seshego-H, Polokwane
Tutor in Seshego-H, Polokwane
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I am a self-motivated individual who is passionate about Economics. I am currently enrolling for a masters degree in Economics at the University of South Africa.
Tutor in Bendor, Polokwane
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I am a committed, humbled, passionate and enthusiastic person, a student teacher but in few more year I will be qualified teacher
Tutor in Polokwane Central, Polokwane
Tutor in Polokwane Central, Polokwane
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I'm from Zimbabwe. I'm passionate about teaching anything Computer Science related.
Tutor in Sterpark, Polokwane
Tutor in Sterpark, Polokwane
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I am a proud African lady who loves to see people succeed. My happiness comes from seeing others happy.
Tutor in Woodlands Estate, Polokwane
Tutor in Woodlands Estate, Polokwane
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I am a qualified accountant, registered with association for accounting technicians. I have lot of experience in teaching/facilitation.
Tutor in Polokwane Central, Polokwane
Tutor in Polokwane Central, Polokwane
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I've felt like I've never worked a day in my life because Teaching and Mentoring are my passions. Many Doctors, Engineers and Teachers have passed through my hands.
Tutor in Bendor, Polokwane
Tutor in Bendor, Polokwane
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As 2nd Year Computer Science Major, I'm passionate about tutoring because it helps me solidify my understanding of particular concepts that, and I enjoy extending my knowledge to my students.
Tutor in Polokwane Central, Polokwane
Tutor in Polokwane Central, Polokwane
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I am a people person and I embrace learning. I always like to share more information about learning and the knowledge that I have in my area of practice.
Tutor in Sterpark, Polokwane
Tutor in Sterpark, Polokwane
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I am a recent BSc graduate who majored in both biochemistry and human physiology in undergrad, and has honours degree in physiology. I am very passionate about helping others by sharing my knowledge.
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