Tutor Reviews

“Willem has been an amazing tutor. He is very thorough in his explanation and doesnt mind explaining something over again if you haven't grasped the concept immediately. He has helped me understand accounting and been patient whilst I build on my confidence to do it. I would absolutely recommend him. ”
- Nicolette
“Since I started my tutoring sessions with Willem, my marks have doubled. He explains accounting in a clear, concise and logical manner that makes it easy to understand and remember. ”
- Igna
“Below the email I send to Willem to thank him: Hi Willem, I hope you are keeping well. Thank you so much for your invaluable teaching to Pieter. Words cannot express the impact it has had. You have granted him a fresh understanding and appreciation of the work. Your contribution has been invaluable and greatly appreciated!! Thank you once again and all the best! Kind regards, Pieter. ”
- Pieter
“He helped me to understand everything that I struggled with better. He is a very good tutor and I would recommend him to anyone.”
- Kaylan
“Went beyond expectations with regards to preparation and additional information to help going forward. ”
- Brad
Millennial woman with curly black hair tutoring brunette teenage girl

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