Profile picture of Nandi M

Nandi M

Tutor in Mankweng-B, Mankweng

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I am persistent, goal driven, very patient but also work exceptionally well under pressure. I understand the value of time, therefore, I aim for perfection and to do everything efficiently.

I have the patience to listen and understand the next person and from past experiences, people felt free to ask me for anything because I am not judgmental and always put my all to assist.


• B.Sc General (Witwatersrand University), 2015-2017. My experience with this degree is that you can only succeed in moving forward by doing what works for you best so never let people discourage you

My Proudest

• I got 3 Distinctions and academic half colours in Grade 12
• First year of study I achieved A's in all my courses (4), 3 Certificate of First Class, 1 Certificate of Merit, Deans List and was part of the top 15% achieving students in my degree
• Second year I received 3 A's and one B for my courses


  • School Tutoring

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS

I have the passion and patience for anything that has to do with Biology. It goes to the extent that I know every answer to any question, in my sleep. Therefore it is the reason why I took it to university level.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS

I did Physics both in high school and the first year in university and the skill that I have learnt is that reading with understanding and knowing your basic Mathematics, you will do very well in this area.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS

I did Mathematics both in high school and first year in university. What I learnt with Maths is that it's in our everyday lives so if u can relate and practice every day then you will find no difficulty in this area.

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Second Year BIOL1000

I work exceptionally well in this area. It has also been two years doing courses related to Biology and I have found no difficulty but better ways of excelling in such area.


First Year - Second Year MCBG2032, 2031 and 2029

What I learnt in this area, is that there is a large number of integrated courses but with enough time and a good understanding, excelling is guaranteed.


First Year - Second Year MCBG-2032, 2031 and 2029

This area is very similar to whats covered in Biology related courses, the only difference is that it is much more in detail.


First Year - Second Year PHSL2000

I did this course in my second year of study and found no difficulty in this area. I have also previously helped my other classmates in preparing for tests and examination. Basically, my strengths lie here.


Nandi will travel up to 15km from Mankweng-B, Mankweng, Limpopo to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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