Highest Quality Financial Accounting Tutors in Stanger Ext 3, KwaDukuza. Get Financial Accounting Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Financial Accounting tutorTutor in Stanger Ext 3, KwaDukuza
Tutor in Stanger Ext 3, KwaDukuza
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I believe that understanding the concepts instead of just learning theory off-by-heart will fare much better for every student in the long run. I am able to clearly explain any of the Financial Accounting standards and the concepts that are regularly tested. I achieved a distinction for this module.
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Tutor in Umhlali, KwaZulu-Natal
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110 Hours Tutored
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I have passed the subject and tutored it for quite some time & therefore tutor it to those who may not have a full understanding. I'm currently studying my Post Graduate in Accounting so I know how they will ask questions and how to answer them.
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1298 Hours Tutored
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I have a passion and a great understanding of the subject. It is one of my majors as I am currently studying Bcom (Accounting Sciences). I have much experience with variations of accounting having tutored students from all varsities and can give great assistance to new students.
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759 Hours Tutored
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I take a unique and innovative approach to teaching that helps students to connect with the subject matter they need to master.My focus is not answering the student's immediate questions, but to equip them with skills and techniques to solve their own queries.Effective use of differentiated approach
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2572 Hours Tutored
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Financial Accounting covered a core part of my undergraduate studies and I have experience in tutoring this subject very effectively. I've been able to help students grasp some of the more challenging elements of Financial Accounting.
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984 Hours Tutored
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I took accounting in school and in university as a major. I have a very good understanding of this subject and hope to help others achieve that same level of understanding.
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4688 Hours Tutored
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I received Distinctions in Accounting at university and have since continued to deepen my understanding of this complex and fascinating subject. As a tutor, I take great pleasure in sharing my knowledge and helping students achieve their academic goals. I have extensive tutoring experience.
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1981 Hours Tutored
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I am a SAICA Qualified Chartered Accountant by profession. I have tutored at the University of Pretoria as an Academic Assistant performing tutorial duties and marking exam scripts. The exposure to examiners was invaluable which I always share with all academics that I work with.
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754 Hours Tutored
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I passed financial accounting modules with distinctions at Bachelor's degree as well as MBA level.
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901 Hours Tutored
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Passionate about both Financial Accounting and teaching, I'm a Chartered Accountant with 2 decades of practical expertise. I aim to unravel complexities and facilitate students' comprehension.
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Subjects offered in Stanger Ext 3