These are the Highest Quality Life Orientation Tutors in Soweto. Get Life Orientation Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Life Orientation tutorTutor in Dobsonville, Soweto
Tutor in Dobsonville, Soweto
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I work well with other people, I am friendly and can be approachable. I am a hard worker and dedicated to my work. I have been a volunteer at Pico RSA I worked well with the students we helped to apply at institutions. I am looking forward to work with y'all. Thank you
Tutor in Protea Glen, Soweto
Tutor in Protea Glen, Soweto
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I matriculated with a 90% in the subject. This is one of the most important subjects about issues and topics of our everyday lives hence I enjoyed it. I am able to assist with understanding the concepts and techniques of the subject.
Tutor in Slovoville, Soweto
Tutor in Slovoville, Soweto
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I have completed psychology and life orientation - both subjects compliment each other and forms basics to understanding life dynamics. I can tutor at any level.
Tutor in Glen Ridge, Soweto
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I managed to score 80% in Life Orientation in grade 12. Life Orientation is a very enjoyable subject that prepares one for the real world.
Tutor in Klipspruit 318-Iq, Soweto
Tutor in Klipspruit 318-Iq, Soweto
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It is a very fun and knowledgeable module. I have enjoyed it in high school and have passed it well through the years. I am also currently learning towards teaching it with my Education certificate.
Tutor in Protea Glen, Soweto
Tutor in Protea Glen, Soweto
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I obtained 87% in Grade 12.
Tutor in Meadowlands, Soweto
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I received 76% Life Orientation in Matric, and went on to complete my bachelors degree, majoring in Psychology and a PCGE (FET), specializing in Life Orientation teaching subject. I am a qualified educator who has experience ibachelor'sn teaching Life Orientation (grade 10-12).
Tutors in surrounding areas:
Tutor in Glenvista, Johannesburg South
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1722 Hours Tutored
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I achieved 85% in my Matric year and I am confident in my ability to assist.
Tutor in Helderkruin, Roodepoort
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470 Hours Tutored
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I have a Law background so I am very passionate about helping and empowering people.
Tutor in Strubens Valley, Johannesburg
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303 Hours Tutored
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Life Orientation is where students learn about the world. I have a exercise book that allows students to engage with concepts that is needed for everyday use.
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