Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Eastern Cape. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Sciences (Biology) tutorTutor in Walmer, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Walmer, Port Elizabeth
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As a student, Life Science was one of my favourite subjects. It is a fascinating subject to teach and to learn.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
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I have always loved Life Sciences. I have been fascinated with how the human body functions. It's exciting to learn about things we tend take for granted like the ability of our body to replenish itself when necessary.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
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My love for nature from a young age paved the way forward to my B.Sc degree in Entomology and Zoology, and an Honours degree in Entomology. I have a passion for biology- particularly evolutionary studies and genetics.
Tutor in Westering, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Westering, Port Elizabeth
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I have personal experiance in this subject through my studies in high school and tutoring grades 10-12.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
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I enjoyed Biology at school and have since completed with distinctions a BSc in Entomology and Botany and an honours degree in Entomology. I am passionate about getting young people to succeed in Life Sciences.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
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In addition to studying biology throughout high school, I have a BSc. in Zoology. Therefore, I have a solid grounding and comprehensive knowledge of biology.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
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I am a Pharmacy degree bachelors holder and I have been tutoring Science for about 4 years now.
Tutor in Kwazakele 3, Ibhayi
Tutor in Kwazakele 3, Ibhayi
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Have gained experience in teaching the subject over the years and I’m currently teaching it.
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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I was teaching Life sciences at high school level for 6 years, obtaining 100% pass with a class average of above 50% and Distinctions. I have a BSc. Honours and this with 6 years of teaching experience and BPharm4, aid my expertise in this subject.
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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I completed botany and zoology modules in the first year of my BSc. I majored in biochemistry and microbiology and minored in physiology in my undergraduate degree and I am currently completing my Masters degree in biochemistry.
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