Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Johannesburg. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Sciences (Biology) tutorTutor in Houghton Estate, Johannesburg
Tutor in Houghton Estate, Johannesburg
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I was top of my year in high school biology (grade 10 and 11) and achieved 100% in first year BSc basic biology and cum laude overall for BSc. I absolutely love biology and wish to share that passion.
Tutor in Denver, Johannesburg
Tutor in Denver, Johannesburg
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Biology is very interesting so what I propose is with the correct orientation from teacher or tutor anybody can get a distinction. I am confident in my ability to help students achieve that.
Tutor in Boskruin, Johannesburg
Tutor in Boskruin, Johannesburg
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I am an honest and trustworthy third year law student. I achieved 5 IEB distinctions in Matric and I have achieved golden key in my second year of university. I am skilled at explaining concepts in an easy-to-understand way. I am patient and flexible. I will do my best to help you achieve success.
Tutor in Hillbrow, Johannesburg
Tutor in Hillbrow, Johannesburg
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I obtained 83% for Life Sciences in matric. I also pursued the subject at university where I sub- majored with Life Sciences. I have experience of teaching the subject at schools.
Tutor in Rossmore, Johannesburg
Tutor in Rossmore, Johannesburg
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Essay writing is my favorite part of Life Sciences. Detail and synthetically correct points are key. I believe that if you can't explain something, you don't understand it. I have great techniques to help my students get a better understanding of the subject.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Gauteng
Tutor in Johannesburg, Gauteng
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This was actually my favorite science subject, I assisted my peers back in my high school days, the refresher info you have on this will be highly appreciated, as well as the other subjects.
Tutor in City and Suburban, Johannesburg
Tutor in City and Suburban, Johannesburg
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I know all the different parts of this subject such as human reproduction, plants, and this is something I study on a regular basis just to expand my knowledge even more. I have always been interested in Biology.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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Life Science is a study of living things in simplicity. I am able to make my students fall in love with this subject easily because mostly it’s things they can feel sometimes touch.
Tutor in Braamfontein, Johannesburg
Tutor in Braamfontein, Johannesburg
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My academic qualifications include a BSc in Microbiology, BSc (Hons) in Medical Microbiology and currently pursuing a MSc (Medicine) in Molecular Medicine and Haematology.I have so much background in biological sciences.
Tutor in Troyeville, Johannesburg
Tutor in Troyeville, Johannesburg
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Biology primarily involves the understanding of life cycles in nature (I.e the human body, the environment, etc.). Definitely a subject I've enjoyed upto a tertiary level & would love to teach others!
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