These are the Highest Quality Microbiology Tutors in KwaZulu-Natal. Get Microbiology Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Microbiology tutorTutor in Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg
Tutor in Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg
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My current highest qualification is an honours degree in Microbiology from the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal (PMB). I have completed and excelled in many microbiology modules. I have also demonstrated to undergraduates students.
Tutor in Avoca, Durban North
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11 Hours Tutored
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I did very well in this facet of Life Science. I did not continue to 3rd year as only 2 majors were permitted; I opted for Biochemistry and Genetics however, I am very competent in Microbiology as all my lecturers will confirm.
Tutor in Willowton, Pietermaritzburg
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I am a great Microbiology tutor as it is one of my majors and I’ve assisted students in the laboratory with microbiology issues, I’ve identified the problem areas and will be a great help to you.
Tutor in Prospect Hall, Durban North
Tutor in Prospect Hall, Durban North
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I have tutored this subject in Jhb to Wits students as well as to Unisa students. I have a reference from the tutoring company known as 'Study Doctor'. They are not associated with Dbn, hence I am on the lookout to join a new tutoring company in Dbn.
Tutor in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
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221 Hours Tutored
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I will include summaries, concise notes with pictures, and mnemonics to aid your memory of the key ideas. I encourage students to engage with me during lectures by asking questions or taking a brief exam during a break to determine whether they have understood a concept.
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419 Hours Tutored
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My passion for Microbiology is infectious. I will teach you everything you need to know about microbial metabolism by repeatedly going through the most difficult concepts and teaching you the best possible memorisation and application techniques.
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992 Hours Tutored
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I can help get you a distinction in Microbiology (Mycology) by bringing forth my exceptional skills in covering the syllabus on time, Knowing the different Families in Microbes and their respective names. Exam Preparations and Provision of notes and exam/test papers.
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509 Hours Tutored
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Food Microbiology is all about the food we eat on a daily basis and how to preserve them for the most part. I achieved a distinction for this module and tend to break down the big chunks of information into small understandable portions that are easy to grasp.
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890 Hours Tutored
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Microbiology is my area of post-grad expertise, with a BSc Hons cum laude in Microbiology and support for my MSc. My professor has recommended me as a microbiology teaching assistant. I can help with scientific writing, assignments & coursework. I have a lot of experience with open distance studies.
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466 Hours Tutored
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I would like to help students in adopting the correct approach for this subject, so that they become comfortable with and able to excel in Microbiology
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