These are the Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Potchefstroom. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Physical Science tutorTutor in Potchefstroom, North West
Tutor in Potchefstroom, North West
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I enjoyed physical science at school and achieved great marks for it! I love helping students but breaking down difficult concepts and building a strong foundation of understanding. I aim to help students achieve their academic goals in physics.
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
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I privately tutor the subject to grade 10-12 students and have been tutoring since 2015. I am excelling at the tertiary level.
Tutor in Potchefstroom, North West
Tutor in Potchefstroom, North West
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I'm a Masters student in Astrophysics at North-West University. I have a Bachelors in Physics and Applied Mathematics (Cum Laude, 84% average) and an Honours in Physics (Cum Laude, 85% average). I have experience in tutoring Physical Science to High School learners Grades 8 – 12.
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
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I successfully completed two semesters of first-year physics, which deepened my understanding of advanced topics and practical problem-solving techniques. I am confident in my ability to guide learners through the subject with clarity and patience, and also build a genuine interest in the field.
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
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I finished a BSc degree that had Chemistry as a core module. I also had physics as a module for two years, and performed exceptionally well in school in this subject. I love to teach students about science, as we are surrounded by it everywhere.
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
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Physical Science is one of the most interesting subjects to exist. I loved doing experiments and learning why things work a certain way. Over vacation times we did a lot of experiments for fun.
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
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I am a 1st year Optometry student in UKZN who is very passionate about the subjects Mathematics and Physical Science. I am a very patient individual who believes in excellence. I find it very fulfilling to help people understand such tricky subjects.
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