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Get a tutorTutor in Winchester Hills, Johannesburg South
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119 Hours Tutored
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I am a goal-driven individual. I always strive to meet the expectations of others.
Tutor in Rietvlei 101-Ir, Johannesburg South
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117 Hours Tutored
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I am a confident young woman who loves to help young children pursue their dreams. I am friendly and I enjoy learning new things.
Tutor in South Hills, Johannesburg South
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167 Hours Tutored
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Hello, I'm Tariro! I'm a Civil Engineer, currently pursuing my masters degree. l've helped many students achieve their academic goals.
Tutor in Mulbarton, Johannesburg South
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166 Hours Tutored
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I am an extrovert who is always ready to learn something new. I am dedicated, perseverant and always find a way to help people.
Tutor in Bassonia, Johannesburg South
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135 Hours Tutored
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I am enthusiastic and passionate about helping in any way possible, I enjoy working with kids and I admire the concept of both the student and I learning from each other. I am grateful.
Tutor in Suideroord, Johannesburg South
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97 Hours Tutored
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I am a Masters student at Wits, with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I have a passion for learning, with a particular interest in Mathematics and Physics.
Tutor in Mondeor, Johannesburg South
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82 Hours Tutored
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I am a meticulous person who works hard and pays very close attention to detail. I'm a fast learner.
Tutor in The Hill, Johannesburg South
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167 Hours Tutored
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I am a friendly, hard working individual and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and assisting others as best as I possibly can.
Tutor in Glenvista, Johannesburg South
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216 Hours Tutored
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I am a dedicated student and teacher, who seeks to help others in the fields that I enjoy. I aspire to inspire those around me, and encourage others to see the potential within themselves.
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Subjects offered in Johannesburg South