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Get a tutorTutor in Houghton Estate, Johannesburg
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74 Hours Tutored
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I am a calm, considerate and intelligent person who enjoys helping other people and making them feel good about themselves.
Tutor in Bramley View, Johannesburg
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46 Hours Tutored
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I hold a BSc in Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics with a Financial Orientation. I am deeply passionate about maths and science, and their applications in solving complex, data-driven problems.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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45 Hours Tutored
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I am a funny and friendly person, overzealous at times, most times actually. However I am passionate about what I teach and dependable.
Tutor in Brixton, Johannesburg
Tutor in Brixton, Johannesburg
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67 Hours Tutored
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I am a very determined and hardworking individual with extreme time management skills. I really have deep passion and generosity to work with people.
Tutor in Orchards, Johannesburg
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43 Hours Tutored
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I am kind, sociable and empathetic. I go beyond the call of duty to achieve brilliance and give back to others.
Tutor in Kensington, Johannesburg
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51 Hours Tutored
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Hi, I'm Yusrah, a dedicated language learner and tutor. I strive to make my students feel comfortable and confident in their language learning journey.
Tutor in Vrededorp, Johannesburg
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54 Hours Tutored
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I am an ambitious and hard-working person who is inspired by challenges to work hard towards reaching my goals. I enjoy teaching.
Tutor in Westdene, Johannesburg
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60 Hours Tutored
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I am a hardworking, self-motivated, resourceful, creative, and solution-oriented individual with a passion for excellence. I have comprehensive tutoring skills that will benefit my learners greatly.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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44 Hours Tutored
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I am a very bubbly, energetic and smart ball of life! I mix fun and hard work to get all the happiness one can get out of life!
Tutor in Sonneglans, Johannesburg
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50 Hours Tutored
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As a previous RMB intern & proud head-boy of an IEB school, I am loyal, passionate and technically astute. I live for an outdoor adventure & will strive to make tutoring feel like anything, but work.
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