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I am an experienced and knowledgeable teacher and tutor. I am patient and organized and I am adjusted to most learning styles as I have 6 years experience.
Tutor in Linden, Randburg
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I am a spontaneous, outgoing individual who is very caring and gentle. I always put in more effort than is needed, ensuring that my students are as prepared as possible.
Tutor in Linden, Randburg
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84 Hours Tutored
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I am friendly, hard working and love to laugh. I love learning and try to instill that passion in everyone I meet. I love science more than anything.
Tutor in Linden, Randburg
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88 Hours Tutored
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I am a driven Mechanical Engineer that is passionate about teaching and inspiring young future workers, and innovators to excel in their studies. I go the extra mile to assist.
Tutor in Linden, Randburg
Tutor in Linden, Randburg
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I pride myself on honesty, loyalty and integrity. I understand the concept of hard work, and that in order to achieve what you seek, you need to be ready to adapt to any situation, including failure.
Tutor in Linden, Randburg
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118 Hours Tutored
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I am a loving, passionate and goal driven physiotherapist who likes to be challenged. I love working with people because it teaches me new things every single day and it keeps life interesting.
Tutor in Linden, Randburg
Tutor in Linden, Randburg
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I am an ambitious and assertive young woman who is a go-getter. I believe in paving the best life possible for myself.
Tutor in Linden, Randburg
Tutor in Linden, Randburg
30 Hours Tutored
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Hardworking easy going guy who loves to read, watch soccer and play tennis.
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Tutor in Northcliff, Randburg
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2396 Hours Tutored
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I am an engineer with 20+ years industry experience and have the requisite patience & listening skills to be an effective tutor.
Tutor in Windsor West, Johannesburg
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1950 Hours Tutored
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I always pay careful attention to detail, and am an animated and interactive tutor. I am patient, understanding and accommodating.
Tutor in Ottery, Cape Town
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1719 Hours Tutored
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Experienced tutor with over 10 years of helping people reach their goals. I am a qualified archaeologist and love to help people push to do and be their best selves.
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