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Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
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I'm a calm fun motivated person. I understand that success comes from hard work and it's never too late to start.
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
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I am an enthusiastic and motivated individual. I love helping people achieve their goals.
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
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I am an ambitious and goal driven individual that loves nature and all that it teaches. Knowledge is power and I have always had a thirst for learning and a passion for illuminating the young mind.
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
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Friendly and approachable aspiring Marine Biologist going into my third year at The University of Cape Town. I am passionate about sharing the intricacies of science in an accessible and fun way.
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
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I am a career musician and enjoy multiple different genres. As a result I have a passion for helping others understand the inner workings of the subject.
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
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I am an English speaking person who has traveled extensively while experiencing different Cultures and their Countries.
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
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I am a proud Mathematician and researcher. I am a goal driven and highly motivated person who also derives joy at helping others not just to improve their marks, but feel more confident in themselves.
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
Tutor in Muizenberg, Cape Town
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I am a well-trained and experimented maths tutor and teacher. I am smiley and fun.
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