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Get a tutorTutor in Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth
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I'm a 28-year old married English teacher living in the Friendly City. I'm passionate about languages, meeting interesting people and teaching others about my mother tongue and culture.
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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I am Bomikazi Madikizela,born and raised in Bizana rural areas. I am currently doing MTECH in Chemistry by research at NMMU. I love to help people especially those with disadvantaged background.
Tutor in Rowallan Park, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Rowallan Park, Port Elizabeth
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I am a go-getter who’s not afraid to take risks. At the same time, I’m cautious and calculating in all my decision making. I have a growing passion for tutoring English.
Tutor in Mill Park, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Mill Park, Port Elizabeth
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I am a 2nd-year Bcom Accounting student, studying at Nelson Mandela University.
Tutor in Schoenmakerskop, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Schoenmakerskop, Port Elizabeth
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I am someone who had every reason to give up on life but I did not because I believe that through my success others who are facing the same predicament will be encouraged to never give up.
Tutor in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape
Tutor in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape
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I'm Pontsho, ambitious and free-spirited. I'm from Limpopo and speak 7 South African languages.
Tutor in Cotswold, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Cotswold, Port Elizabeth
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I am friendly and approachable. I am understanding and empathetic when it comes to working with others.
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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I am a very disciplined and hard-working person with multi-tasking abilities. I love helping people and sharing knowledge.
Tutor in Bluewater Beach, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Bluewater Beach, Port Elizabeth
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I am a friendly, caring and trustworthy person that likes being involved in many things. I am an ambivert, which means that I like interacting with others and having fun, but also value my quiet time.
Tutor in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth
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I am a seasoned classroom trainer who has a full command of the English language. I love people and I love to see them grow in many ways, educationally, spiritually and emotionally.
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