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Get a tutorTutor in Korsten, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Korsten, Port Elizabeth
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I am dedicated and a very hard worker. I never give up until I succeed.
Tutor in Schoenmakerskop, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Schoenmakerskop, Port Elizabeth
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Knowledgeable and thorough in IT with superior attention to detail. Driven and self-motivated therefore effective at completing tasks with minimal supervision. Confident &, enthusiastic communicator.
Tutor in Overbaakens, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Overbaakens, Port Elizabeth
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I am a vibrant lovely black queen! I love animals and like to read about oil and mining.
Tutor in North End, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in North End, Port Elizabeth
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I am a versatile Information technology professional, possessing strong skillsets in different technological landscapes. Over time through diverse experiences, l have developed distinct skills.
Tutor in Port Elizabeth Central, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Port Elizabeth Central, Port Elizabeth
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I am a highly organized female with excellent communication skills and the ability to forster positive conversations with people.
Tutor in South End, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in South End, Port Elizabeth
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I’m a determined, dedicated and self-motivated introvert. I’m flexible depending on the environment and finds it easy to adapt. I’m always open to learning new things.
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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I am well educated and I am willing to teach. I am also humble and eager to share my knowledge with others.
Tutor in Westering, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Westering, Port Elizabeth
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I am an extremely ambitious individual who thrives on success. Hence, I am constantly working towards achieving my goals and pursuing my passion of being of assistance to the next individual.
Tutor in Westering, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Westering, Port Elizabeth
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I enjoy teaching and building on my knowledge through learning and reading, I am a reliable and attentive teacher motivated to always do my best so that my learners are able to achieve greatness.
Tutor in Walmer, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Walmer, Port Elizabeth
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I am a BSc Environmental Sciences graduate who has a passion for Biology and Geography and all things environmentally related. I aspire to study a PGCE during 2021 to improve my teaching capabilities.
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