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Get a tutorTutor in Protea Glen, Soweto
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59 Hours Tutored
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I am passionate about helping learners and students achieve their goals.
Tutor in Protea Glen, Soweto
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121 Hours Tutored
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I am a curious, passionate, driven and hard working individual who believes in the potential and power of education and hope to help others believe in it too.
Tutor in Protea North, Soweto
Tutor in Protea North, Soweto
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87 Hours Tutored
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A zealous young lady, who enjoys helping others and sharing knowledge gained. I believe the youth is the stronghold of a nation and we need to lay a relevant foundation with education.
Tutor in Orlando, Soweto
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209 Hours Tutored
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I am hardworking and trustworthy I am caring and good at working with numbers or calculations
Tutor in Naledi, Soweto
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231 Hours Tutored
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I am an ambitious individual and inclined towards getting the best out of himself. I enjoy soccer, both playing and watching the sport.
Tutor in Protea Glen, Soweto
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47 Hours Tutored
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I am a cool, calm and collected young lady. I am also humble, fun and goal-driven.
Tutor in Jabavu, Soweto
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43 Hours Tutored
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Creative approach to problems. Ability to adapt to new changes and demands.
Tutor in Eldorado Park, Soweto
Tutor in Eldorado Park, Soweto
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35 Hours Tutored
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I am a driven, motivated and a determined individual. I work hard to achieve my goals and belive patience, and encouragement to be key when tutoring an individual.
Tutor in Jabavu, Soweto
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59 Hours Tutored
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I am a hard working, dedicated and goal driven individual with so much humility and passion for helping other people. I am a well rounded individual.
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Subjects offered in Soweto