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Get a tutorTutor in Denton, Texas
Tutor in Denton, Texas
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Hi, my name is Lydia Sparks! I am passionate about learning; I also love cooking, being outdoors, painting, and animals.
Tutor in Rowlett, Texas
Tutor in Rowlett, Texas
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17 Hours Tutored
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I have received a bachelor's in chemistry and physics, and love science. I am sure that after talking with you, you will not only do better but enjoy and understand the content!
Tutor in Houston, Texas
Tutor in Houston, Texas
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My teaching is based more on patience, many practical exercises written and oral to improve French learning. I like to help, especially share my knowledge because I believe there is no age to learn!
Tutor in Houston, Texas
Tutor in Houston, Texas
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I am a pleasant, result-oriented person, with a keen sense of humour, passionate and intentional about whatever I undertake. I enjoy meeting and interacting with people as well as imparting knowledge.
Tutor in Little Elm, Texas
Tutor in Little Elm, Texas
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I value education, and it is my passion to share my love for learning with others. Graduating from Texas State University with a 3.94 GPA, I'm eager to help others achieve academic success!
Tutor in Wylie, Texas
Tutor in Wylie, Texas
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I'm a linguist and vocational teacher with years of experience in the U.S., living in Texas, enthusiastic for Spanish language. I have also many publications about my passion: Spanish literature.
Tutor in Allen, Texas
Tutor in Allen, Texas
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I have a Bachelor's, two Associate's, and undying love for Slavic languages. I am prior active duty military and currently serving in the reserves.
Tutor in San Antonio, Texas
Tutor in San Antonio, Texas
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I am an undergrad Economics student who is looking to work in Finance or Data. I have excelled in many math and economics classes and am looking to put those skills to use by helping you.
Tutor in Dallas, Texas
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17 Hours Tutored
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I'm a fun-loving tutor with the patience, communication skills, and determination to give anyone a better handle on the areas that trouble them. My goal is to help make learning an exciting place.
Tutor in Houston, Texas
Tutor in Houston, Texas
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I am motivated to both teach and learn while I teach. I feel the teacher-student relationship has more potential for growth for all involved, and I love unlocking that for both myself and my students.
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