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Angus M

Tutor in Houghton Estate, Johannesburg • 29 years old

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I am a calm, considerate and intelligent person who enjoys helping other people and making them feel good about themselves.

I have had many challenging things happen to me in my lifetime, but I have made it through them. I believe that my experience can help others to conquer their own challenges and even push them further.


• 2015-2018 BSc in Business Computing

• 2017 Internship at Hozi
• 2017 Internship at RSAweb
• 2018 MWR Info Security Internship
• 2018 Oracle Internship

My Proudest

• Getting through the Oracle interview process and getting a job at their Cape Town offices.
• Getting distinctions for IT and Mathematics in school.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I matriculated with 81% for Maths. I used to really struggle with the subject, but was able to seek some tutoring for myself and went on to excel. I'd like to help others who are in the same position.

Information Technology

Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I pursued IT from grade 10 to grade 12 and achieved 80% for it. I thoroughly enjoy the content of the subject and always made extensive notes. I did struggle with the PAT but eventually got through it and achieved a good mark for it.

Computer Programming

Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I am studying Computer Science & Information Systems. I have learnt multiple languages and know programming constructs. I am proficient in C++, Python, Java, C#, HTML, CSS, Git, Bash, Assembly and other areas relating to programming.

  • University Tutoring

Computer science

First Year - Second Year CSC3002F, CSC2002S, CSC2001F, CSC1015F, CSC1016S

I am studying a BSc in Business Computing. I thoroughly enjoy Computer Science and have tutored people privately in the past. I received an aggregate of 70% for first-year Computer Science.


First Year - Third Year UCT Undergraduate in CS & IS

I am studying Computer Science & Information Systems. I have learnt multiple languages and know programming constructs. I am proficient in C++, Python, Java, C#, HTML, CSS, Git, Bash, Assembly and other areas relating to programming.


Angus will travel up to 5km from Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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Reviews from others

“His enthusiasm and ability to connect on Liam’s level was brilliant. Liam really enjoyed his lessons. Liam feels like he is making progress and his confidence has increased. ”
- Cassandra
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