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Ledile M

Tutor in Kosmosdal, Centurion • 29 years old

Request Ledile Moloko Rachel
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I strive to create a warm and welcoming learning environment that fosters growth and confidence. With patience and a personable approach, I empower my students to achieve their full potential.

I'm a great listener who understands the unique needs and challenges of each learner. My patient and empathetic approach sets me apart, and I'm especially attentive to shy students who need special attention. By understanding each learner's unique way of learning, I'm able to tailor my approach to their individual needs and help them achieve their goals.


• BA Languages (French & Portuguese Major) (University of Pretoria)
• Post Graduate Certificate In Early Childhood and Foundation Phase (University of South Africa)

My Proudest

• Being a member of the Golden Key International Society. Graduating in record time. Being a member of the UP Ovuwa Cultural Ensemble.


  • Language Tutoring



I am an Honors student at the University of Pretoria, studying Languages. I started learning the French language as a beginner. I studied up to the third year. I can speak, read and write the French language.


Beginner - Intermediate

I am a home language speaker. Although I have never studied the language in depth, I have full understanding and I am also able to speak, read and write.

  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 4

I passed Maths at Matric level and am comfortable assisting others in their understanding of the subject.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

Afrikaans is my third language and I have studied it up to Grade 12. I have a very good command for it and would offer a lot of help and tips to the students I will be tutoring. I am also doing a PGCE in Education


Ledile Moloko Rachel will travel up to 15km from Kosmosdal, Centurion, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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Reviews from others

“She did very well with building Kgaogelo's confidence in reading and writing, she's know more confident and not afraid to solve problems in her school work, her improvement shows that Ledile works hard with her to achieve their commitment. Extremely proud to have her as her teacher.”
- Sheila
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