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Live A

Tutor in Glenmore, Berea • 39 years old

Request Live Hellen
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Can tutor in person


I am passionate about tutoring having had some experience in teaching medical students at University of KwaZulu-natal. As a post-graduate student, I really enjoy tutoring Biostatistics/Epidemiology

I am reliable, creative, hardworking, focused, honest, result-oriented, self-motivated and have good interpersonal skills


• Feb2020- Ongoing- Masters in Public Health (UKZN)
• Feb2018- Dec2019- PGD in Public Health (UKZN)
• May2013-Jan2016-B.Sci Comm Health & Dev.(JOOUST_KENYA)
• Sep2004-Sep2008-Clinical Med& Surg(KMTC-KENYA)

My Proudest

• Achieved distinctions in Biostatistics both in undergraduate and postgraduate.
• Graduated with a post-graduate Diploma in Public Health with 3 certificates of Merit out of the 7 subjects offered.


  • University Tutoring


First Year - Fourth Year

Through my studies and as a Public Health specialist, i have gained interest in BIOSTATISTICS and EPIDEMIOLOGY(achieved distinctions in the subjects); thus i would wish to pass on my passion for these subjects to others.


Live Hellen will travel up to 5km from Glenmore, Berea, KwaZulu-Natal to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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