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Cannot tutor in person
I love communicating with people. I love Math and computers and everything that keeps me thinking out loud.
I go all out to make people understand what I'm saying, at the same time, I'm a very attentive listener.
• Present BCom Information Systems, University of Cape Town
My Proudest
• I have not really done a lot in my life, I led a pretty basic lifestyle so my only achievement is facing all challenges that came my way, conquering them, moving forward
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI was tutoring my classmates in my spare time back in high school and would also help my Maths teacher explain topics to students who did not understand them.
Engineering Graphic Design
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI was assigned a group of learners in my class by the teacher to supervise their work for 3 years.
Computer Skills
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI was always top of the grade in my school in Computer Applications Technology, I did administration in my local library and I am studying a BCom degree, specializing in Information Systems.
Physical Science
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI was top of my class in Physics.
Grade 1 - Grade 12 CAPSI have always loved the English language, and learning it in school was a pleasant experience. I also love communicating with people so tutoring English is like a fun activity for me.
Reviews from others
“His knowledge of mathematics astonishes me every lesson”- Jasper
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