Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Gauteng. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Sciences (Biology) tutorTutor in Kilner Park, Pretoria
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292 Hours Tutored
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The subject is my passion and I have always achieved a distinction. It is one of those area ls of learning that I like to engage with outside of formal learning.
Tutor in Pretoria, Gauteng
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313 Hours Tutored
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I achieved Cum Laude for my undergraduate Biochemistry degree, with one of my main subjects being Physiology ( University-level life sciences). I love the subject and also enjoy helping others understand the concepts.
Tutor in Alexandra, Gauteng
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283 Hours Tutored
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Life Sciences is my favourite subject where there are many topics that include what we see around us. I use many resources such as question papers, pictures, videos and textbooks to explain the concepts.
Tutor in Kilner Park, Pretoria
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335 Hours Tutored
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I received the award for the highest Biology mark for three consecutive years of high school. I was also the top biology student in my district and received an award for this.
Tutor in Endayini, Tembisa
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233 Hours Tutored
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Life Sciences is all about understanding how systems work. So I teach Life Sciences in an efficient method. I teach Life Sciences using diagrams, videos, apps, flashcards and more, making learning fun and interactive. In my classroom, we learn from our mistakes, leading to good grades.
Tutor in Allen's Nek, Roodepoort
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344 Hours Tutored
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With an 84% achievement in this subject, I possess a strong grasp of the skills and knowledge necessary for success. Let me help you excel with tailored guidance and proven strategies.
Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
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273 Hours Tutored
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Life Science is one of my passions. I want my students to reach their full potential and enjoy the work along the way. I am very patient, organised and positive. Life Science is challenging but I am here to help you navigate and achieve in this subject!
Tutor in Kaalfontein, Midrand
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258 Hours Tutored
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I am a self-motivated person who thoroughly enjoys the process of acquiring knowledge and then imparting it to others. I received a distinction in Life Sciences in high school and the subject was fundamental to my achieving my Biomedical Engineering degree.
Tutor in Linden, Johannesburg
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243 Hours Tutored
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I enjoy learning and teaching biology. Its one of the most exciting subjects because you get to learn about different life forms.
Tutor in Rynfield AH, Benoni
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248 Hours Tutored
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My studying background in Psychology has kept my knowledge of life sciences up-to-date, and it is a subject I am especially passionate about teaching as a result.
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