I am a senior at the University of California, Berkeley majoring in business with a 3.86 GPA and previous tutoring experience!
I focus on delivering feedback in a postitive, constructive way that leads to real growth and learning. I also utilize a practice-based approach to cement critical concepts.
• 2017 - 2021 | Business B.S. at UC Berkeley
My Proudest
• I scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and I was admitted to the Haas School of Business at UC berkeley.
1st Grade - 12th GradeExperienced math tutor who has gotten an A in every math class taken. Scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT. Friendly, practice-based tutoring that results in real learning.
1st Grade - 12th GradeExperienced writer who provides both specific line-by-line feedback as well as broader, general writing advice.
1st Grade - 12th GradeExperienced math tutor who has gotten an A in every math class taken. Scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT. Friendly, practice-based tutoring that results in real learning.
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