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Rain H

24 years old

chip background 135
chip background 135
Can tutor online


I am teacher Rain. I am a caring and patient teacher. I am a high-achieving individual who loves helping my students. I graduated with honors. In my free time, I am on the sports field.

From my experience as a teacher I have learned that it is best to always picture the situation from the learner's perspective so I can teach and explain things in ways they understand. I love helping people not just improve their marks, but feel more confident in themselves. I always develop long-term relationships with all my clients and have had wonderful results with past and current students.


• I have graduated with honors Bcom finance tax and accounting. I am currently completing my postgraduate degree in education studies which will then qualify me to teach, high school and primary school.

My Proudest

• An academic bursary for my studies at varsity.
• Graduated with honors.
• Bachelor's entrance.
• highly recommended from past and present clients.
• Receiving the Curro cup upon graduation, showed that I embodied the spirit of the school.


  • University Tutoring


First Year - Third Year

I completed my Bcom Finance and Accounting degree and graduated top of my class. I am now teaching this subject at a school.

Financial Accounting

First Year - Third Year

I completed my Bcom Finance and Accounting degree and graduated top of my class. I am now teaching this subject at a school.


First Year - Third Year

I completed my Bcom Finance and Accounting degree and graduated top of my class. I am now teaching this subject at a school.

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