Highest Quality Organic Chemistry Tutors in Craighall, Randburg. Get Organic Chemistry Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get an Organic Chemistry tutorTutor in Craighall, Randburg
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86 Hours Tutored
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Organic Chemistry is one of my favorite subjects and can be extremely interesting if approached in the correct way. I understand the underlying concepts well and can provide a lot of insight to the more difficult aspects of the subject.
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Tutor in Rossmore, Johannesburg
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213 Hours Tutored
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I hold a Cum laude in Chemistry at Bsc and Honours level. I am a Master's student in Chemistry, having tutored and lectured University Chemistry since 2016. I feel inspired to coach and mentor other young minds towards high-grade results.
Tutor in Ferndale, Randburg
Tutor in Ferndale, Randburg
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I'm a good tutor for this subject because I understand the key to developing a good foundation in chemistry and organic chemistry specifically
Tutor in Milnerton Rural, Cape Town
Tutor in Milnerton Rural, Cape Town
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I have a natural thirst for knowledge that drives me forward through my passion for Chemistry. In a nutshell, I really enjoy engaging with fellow students to empower and enrich their experiences with related science subjects.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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25 Hours Tutored
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I pursued Organic Chemistry at university level and was worked closely with a research group which enhanced my knowledge of the subject in every aspect.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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11 Hours Tutored
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I received a distinction for Organic Chemistry in my first year of study and feel equipped to assist others.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I pursued Organic Chemistry at university level, and wish to share my knowledge with others.
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671 Hours Tutored
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My expertise lies in Chemistry, where I have proven to be a patient and reliable helper to my friends and classmates. My excellent performance in Organic Chemistry at the University of Pretoria, which earned me a distinction, showcases my deep understanding of the subject.
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1819 Hours Tutored
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I am currently doing a PhD in Computational and Organic Chemistry. Chemistry is one of my strongest subjects and I have taught many students during the course of my studies.
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913 Hours Tutored
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I completed a first year course on Organic Chemistry and obtained a distinction. I have such a passion for this subject and would love to make such an abstract subject intuitive to everyone studying it.
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