View the Widest Selection of the Highest Quality Tutors in Vorna Valley, Midrand. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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15 Hours Tutored
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I am a driven and passionate individual, always striving for success. With expertise in sports, especially football (a devoted fan of FC Barcelona), I am dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
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549 Hours Tutored
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I am passionate about everything I put my hands on, I am optimistic, flexible, committed and fully hands on. I am an enthusiastic change fanatic willing to take my life and career to new frontiers.
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
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607 Hours Tutored
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I am an Electrical Engineering graduate who works well under pressure. I am a self-inspired, highly innovative and resourceful person who enjoys being part of a team.
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
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547 Hours Tutored
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I'm a dedicated, passionate and goal-driven Tutor that is willing to work with learners and help them not only know but master the skill to obtain the highest marks in their respective subjects.
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
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I am a hard worker, dedicated, self-motivated person who is always willing to learn and get involved. I am passionate about education.
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
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149 Hours Tutored
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With the right guidance I believe any student can rise above their challenges. This is a task I am ready and equipped to take on.
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
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334 Hours Tutored
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I am a diverse, passionate,energetic & enthusiastic lady currently working as an Environmental Scientist. My passion rests in helping people, learning and being active.
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
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I am a highly prolific mathematician/Statistician with 20+ years of experience who enjoys making a difference and helping others. Have worked for the top 3 banks in RSA
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
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70 Hours Tutored
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I am the friendliest Electrical Engineer around! I try my best to make everyone feel comfortable in a surrounding that may not be too familiar.
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